About us
MICS – Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile is an Extended Partnership between UniversitiesResearch Centers and Enterprises financed by MUR – Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca thanks to funds made available by the European Union under the NextGenerationEU (PNRR) program.
MICS consists of 25 partners, including 12 public sector partners and 13 industrial partners from three key sectors of the Italian industrial scenario, namely Fashion, Furniture and Factory Automation.
Technical Scientific Committee
The Techical Scientific Committee is composed of a representative of each MICS partner, both public and private. It addresses and monitors the scientific activity plan and the overall performance indicators, shares best practices among Spokes, and promotes cross-contamination through inter-Spoke or multi-Spoke initiatives.

Marco Taisch
MICS President
Full Professor at the Polytechnic University of Milan, he is one of the coordinators of the Manufacturing Group at the School of Management of the Polytechnic University of Milan. He is the vice-president of the Board of EFFRA, a member of the Board of the Italian Smart Factory Cluster, and the Lombard Smart Factory Cluster. He is the co-founder and scientific chairman of the World Manufacturing Foundation. Currently, he is a member of the territorial Advisory Board for Lombardy at Unicredit. He serves as the president of MADE – Competence Center Industry 4.0, the largest among the eight competence centers of the National Industry 4.0 Plan. He is also a consultant for multiple companies, including Leonardo and Thales Alenia Space, where he has, along with a team of collaborators, developed projects to enhance digitization and production processes.
Marco Taisch
MICS President

Daria Battini
Spoke 8 Leader
Daria Battini
Spoke 8 Leader

Ilaria Giannoccaro
Spoke 7 Leader, BoD Member
Ilaria Giannoccaro
Spoke 7 Leader, BoD Member

Federica Bondioli
Spoke 6 Leader
President of the National Consortium for Materials Science and Technology (INSTM). She is the author or co-author of over 190 publications in international journals and has delivered more than 60 presentations at national and international conferences. She has been and is responsible for several funded research projects at the European, national, and regional levels, collaborating with national and international industrial partners and research organizations. She is one of the founders of the spin-off MAT3D. She oversees the courses on “Science and Technology of Ceramic Materials” for the Bachelor’s Degree in Material Engineering and “Materials for Advanced Manufacturing” for the Master’s Degree in Material Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin. Additionally, she serves as a supervisor for Master’s and Ph.D. theses in Material Engineering and Industrial Engineering.
Federica Bondioli
Spoke 6 Leader

Pierluigi Barbaro
Spoke 3 Leader
Research Director at the Istituto di Chimica dei Composti Organo Metallici, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Firenze. PhD in chemistry at the University of Firenze. One-year post-doctorate researcher at ETH Zurich and two-year at the University of Firenze. Member of the Network of Excellence IDECAT and Coordinator of the Initial Training Network NANO-HOST (EC VII° FP). Member of the Board of Directors of the European Research Institute of Catalysis. Coordinator of two European Projects, two National Projects and eleven research contracts. Author of > 100 ISI research papers. Activities in the field of sustainable chemistry, catalysis, biomass valorisation and chemical recycling.
Pierluigi Barbaro
Spoke 3 Leader

Giuseppe Lotti
Spoke 2 Leader
Giuseppe lotti is full professor at DIDA UNIFI, Coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Sustainability and Innovation for the design of the built environment and the product system, and President of the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Product, Interior, Communication, and Eco-Social Design at the University of Florence. He has strong competencies in Design for sustainability, Design for territorial production systems, Intercultural Design and has coordinated national and international research projects and exhibitions on the field of Design around the world.
Giuseppe Lotti
Spoke 2 Leader

Flaviano Celaschi
Spoke 1 Leader
Director of the Advanced Design Unit at the University of Bologna, he co-founded and directed the first Italian university department of Industrial Design at the Polytechnic University of Milan (2001). As a consultant and researcher for numerous organizations and companies in the field of industrial innovation, he is the author of over 120 publications on processes and methods for innovation and anticipation driven by design.
Flaviano Celaschi
Spoke 1 Leader

Bianca Maria Colosimo
Technical Scientific Committee President
She is Full Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. Her main research interest is in the area of big data mining for advanced manufacturing. She serves on EU committees designing strategic roadmaps for manufacturing (e.g., Manufuture, ESA) and sits on the boards of several international scientific journals. Selected among the 100 top experts in STEM in Italy.
Bianca Maria Colosimo
Technical Scientific Committee President

Elisa Negri
Scientific Coordinator
Professor of Industrial Plants Management and of Data Modeling & Analysis for Complex Systems at Politecnico di Milano. She researches on digital twins for manufacturing. In international scientific communities she is Vice-chair for Social Media in IFAC TC5.1, Associate Editor in Flexible Services & Manufacturing and Track Chair in ANNSIM2024. She co-authored 50+ scientific publications.
Elisa Negri
Scientific Coordinator

Andrea Anesi
BoD and CTS Member
Andrea Anesi
BoD and CTS Member

Gildo Bosi
CTS Member
Gildo Bosi
CTS Member

Leopoldo Angrisani
CTS Member
Leopoldo Angrisani
CTS Member

Andrea Camisani
CTS Member
Andrea Camisani
CTS Member

Tiziana Catarci
CTS Member
Tiziana Catarci
CTS Member

Giacomo Corvisieri
CTS Member
Giacomo Corvisieri
CTS Member

Luca Durante
CTS Member
Luca Durante
CTS Member

Claudia Florio
CTS Member
Claudia Florio
CTS Member

Livan Fratini
CTS Member
Livan Fratini
CTS Member

Lucia Grizzaffi
CTS Member
Lucia Grizzaffi
CTS Member

Romano Iazurlo
CTS Member
Romano Iazurlo
CTS Member

Lorenzo Minelli
CTS Member
Lorenzo Minelli
CTS Member

Carlo Panzeri
CTS Member
Carlo Panzeri
CTS Member

Gaetano Patrimia
CTS Member
Gaetano Patrimia
CTS Member

Roberto Pinto
CTS Member
Roberto Pinto
CTS Member

Domenico Ricchiuti
CTS Member
Domenico Ricchiuti
CTS Member

Emilio Sardini
CTS Member
Emilio Sardini
CTS Member